no joining fee, no commissions to pay
can find jobs matching their skills
can choose the best freelancers
find, discuss, decide, & start
a user-friendly system for everyone
connects with the right people
How it works?
You don’t have to spend hours to create your account and profile. Just few fields to fill up.
Choose the job you like according to your expertise and budget provided by the home owner.
Answer project cretor's queries, get hired and start the job.
Try to finish the job well in time and within the agreed budget. It always works in your favour.
Once the job is done professionally, the project owner will pay you. We do not handle payments.
Once paid, please ask the project creator to rate & review your work. It helps in future projects.
You don’t have to spend hours to create your account and profile. Just few fields to fill up.
Choose the job you like according to your expertise and budget provided by the home owner.
Answer project cretor's queries, get hired and start the job.
Try to finish the job well in time and within the agreed budget. It always works in your favour.
Once the job is done professionally, the project owner will pay you. We do not handle payments.
Once paid, please ask the project creator to rate & review your work. It helps in future projects.
First create your profile/account and you are ready to publish a job.
Freelancers will apply for your job.You can also invite any freelancer you like.
Check their past rating and review and choose among 100s of freelancers.
Let the freelancer finish the job to your satisfaction & then project is completed.
Once the job is done, pay the freelancer. We do not handle payments.
Once paid, please provide a rating and review for the freelancer's work.
Be a part of digital revoluation
Choose your ideal price, job and work schedule – full-time, part-time or flexi-time.
Looking to hire local expert workers?
Join our mailing list. We will let you know as soon as registration is opened for home-owners.
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